Bible study

Thursdays mornings at 9:00 it is Bible study time at Witfontein.

Over the years, a stack of books has been worked through. We as a group have gotten to know each other well by now. Love and sorrow are shared. Experiences where the Lord presses something on our hearts we share with each other. Thursdays from 9:00 to 10:00 are precious time to socialize. We thank the Lord that He brought us together as a group, to learn more from His Word. Newcomers who want to join us are very welcome.

Congregation camp

We hold a parish camp every year at a suitable holiday resort. It’s the ideal opportunity to relax with your faith family and forge very strong bonds of friendship in no time.

Ecclesiastical year and Ecclesiastical colors

Walk into our church building on Good Friday, the entrance hall is cold and hard and then the Communion Tables inside huh!!! Black tablecloths, black throw cloths, black cloth hangings around the crotch and the impact? As one member put it “Eerie” (English) Is it weird? No, on the contrary, read Luke 22:44 “It was about twelve o’clock when darkness came over the whole land…”

So did color has an impact on our mindset, our mood. Is it okay to color in? to put on the church building? Don’t let the attention be diverted from the preaching not? Why common church colors? It strengthens the ecumenical bond with us fellow believers.

Further build the correct church colors to the mood of the churchgoers. That’s why we change the colors in the church depending on the Church year.

Recycling project

Why do we each have a responsibility to recycle? With our new recycling area, we want to place a new emphasis on the responsibility of each of us to look after and preserve our environment, which has been entrusted to us. Each of us should become more aware of our environment and how we can recycle. Once we get into the habit of recycling, it’s scary to realize how many things we use that are recyclable. Many times we wonder, what do I do with the things I want to recycle? Now we have a place at the church where we can bring our recycling materials. Here it is picked up and recycled. In this way we also help with job creation. We want to invite you to start even just on a small scale at home by having different containers for glass, cans, plastic containers and see how quickly your container fills up. Why? You and I are stewards. It is our responsibility to look after our world and preserve it.

The Gray Youth

Who belongs to the Gray Youth

You qualify to join the Gray Youth should if you have reached retirement age. But everyone who feels at home with the older guards are more than welcome. The Gray Youth comes every first Tuesday of every year month together. They hold a short meeting and discuss general matters of interest, after which they have a nice time together and eat. They often play well games together like for example Bingo or they get a person who something interesting part. They go out at least once a year for a delicious breakfast and visit. At the end of the year, a Christmas dinner is held at a suitable restaurant. There is also a sea holiday organized to Scotburgh which is a big highlight is


The ladies of the NHSV are also known as the “Serving Divas”. Our main purpose is to serve. The NHSV raises funds through various projects. Our money is mainly used for Mercy. The ladies also plan and coordinate events that are offered at the congregation. With Ascension, it is tradition to start baking pancakes in the late afternoon, which are enjoyed after the service. We also organize an annual 70+ function where the seniors in the congregation are pampered. On occasions such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, a small treat is made for everyone and handed out at the door. As a group we share a special bond and work wonderfully together.

Youth High School


To the Teenage Youth help and lead to a relationship with God, to prepare them to serve as lifelong disciples of God.

Youth Target:

  • To create an environment where teenagers can feel at home in the church; to hang out with each other and learn more about God.
  • To assist and support each other on a spiritual level.

What we do:

  • ‘Praise & Worship’ with every Youth meeting
  • Activities such as farm sports, campfire visits, game nights, Volley ball fun, and we even make food together.
  • We pray for each other and support each other.

Youth Events:

Every 2nd Friday evening from 19:00 to 21:45 at the church (NHK Witfontein).

All teenagers from grade 7 is welcome.

Youth Leader:

Shane Nieuwoudt – 067 400 0646

Facebook Page – NHK Witfontein Youth High School

New members and visitors

We are excited to welcome new members and visitors welcomed and immediately made to feel at home. We have a beautiful group people who want to welcome new members every Sunday and more of the congregation want to tell We like to welcome our new members with a welcome gift.

We have a new one every 3 months mover function where we as pastors would also like to better the new members wanted to get to know and introduce to other members as well.

We are passionate about being hospitable and strive to radiate hospitality and warmth.

Hospitality Team Sunday mornings

For us as a Congregation, Radical hospitality is extremely important. It is important to us that every person who Congregation visit will feel welcome. We radiate warmth and cordiality. Our team welcomes people on Sunday mornings with a nice coffee and warm smile.

At the helm of our Sunday morning Hospitality team is:

Louis and Emor Boshoff 082 356 0281 / 082 563 5031

The rest of the team consists of:

Nataleen Vorster 082 686 8481 Ilze Blom 072 130 7007

Ina Jooste 072 208 0151 Susan Allison 082 324 4024

Christine Stone 082 579 8509 Heila Haasbroek 082 824 6195

Feel free to contact Louis and Emor if you feel that Hospitality is your special gift.

Intercession team

Prayer is central to our Congregation’s life. We strive to “marinate” every ministry in prayer. We pray the Lord’s blessing and guidance on everything. We seek his wisdom.

Our prayer team receives on Sundays prayer requests from the Congregation. They then intercede in prayer for the congregation members’ requests. If members their details on the writing a prayer card, the parishioners are contacted. We invite everyone to ask with great boldness for intercession through us prayer request cards, which are available at the front of the Church.

If you want to get involved with us intercession team you can contact any of the following persons:

George Holzhausen 083 519 0110 Petro Holzhausen 083 460 6868

Eliza & Natalie le Roux 082 817 2377 Elba Swart 082 774 2253