Our sermons can be listened to on the Internet by going to:
www.youtube.com and looking for NHK Witfontein.
If you only want to listen to the soundtrack can you go to
www.soundcloud.com and search for NHK again Witfontein.
Our sermons can be listened to on the Internet by going to:
www.youtube.com and looking for NHK Witfontein.
If you only want to listen to the soundtrack can you go to
www.soundcloud.com and search for NHK again Witfontein.
Ons preke kan na geluister word op die Internet deur te gaan na:
www.youtube.com en te soek na NHK Witfontein.
Indien jy slegs na die klankbaan wil luister kan jy gaan na
www.soundcloud.com en soek weereens NHK Witfontein.
We offer Sunday mornings during the worship service the Church building is underway, also a Children’s Service for children between the ages 6 and 11 (Grade 1-Grade 5). We aim to, in an understandable way, to convey the Gospel at the children’s level. Different series become dealt with on the basis of different themes. The children sing beautifully together until honor of the Lord, listens to a message, is often also creatively busy with a activity and are treated to a snack.
We are always excited about new presenters who make them available to help with the presentations.
Contact person for Children’s Church: Rev. Janine Bevolo-Manders
Ons bied Sondae oggende terwyl die erediens in die Kerkgebou aan die gang is, ook ‘n Kinderdiens vir kinders tussen die ouderdom van 6 en 11 (Graad 1-Graad 5). Ons poog om op ‘n verstaanbare manier, op die kinders se vlak die Evangelie oor te dra. Verskillende reekse word hanteer aan die hand van verskillende temas. Die kinders sing heerlik saam tot eer van die Here, luister na ‘n boodskap, is dikwels ook skeppend besig met ‘n aktiwiteit en word bederf met ‘n eetdingetjie.
Ons is altyd opgewonde oor nuwe aanbieders wat hulle beskikbaar stel om te help met die aanbiedings.
Kontakpersoon vir Kinderkerk: Ds Janine Bevolo-Manders
Our pre-school children are kept busy on Sunday mornings during the worship service with their own assembly in classroom 4 in the hall. At the level that the toddlers understand, the message of Jesus is shared with them. Children between the ages of 2 ½ and 6 are welcome. Treda Fritz is our coordinator with a few other moms helping out.
Ons voorskoolse kinders word Sondae oggend tydens die erediens besig gehou met hulle eie byeenkoms in klaskamer 4 in die saal. Op die vlak wat die peuters verstaan word die boodskap van Jesus met hulle gedeel. Kinders tussen die ouderdom van 2 ½ en 6 is welkom. Treda Fritz is ons koördineerder met ‘n paar ander mammas wat help.
Our congregation boasts a very well-equipped Media Library – full of DVDs and books. The media library offers the opportunity to take out a book or DVD free of charge. There are also CDs with sermons, talks or music that you can listen to. For the visually impaired there is also “The Bible” on CD. While you are looking for the right item you can also enjoy a cup of Boeretroos. Feel free to stop by on Sundays. The Media Library is located on the left, at the entrance to the Church building. Our friendly “Librarian” Heila Haasbroek will receive you there.
Ons gemeente spog met ‘n baie goed toegeruste Mediateek – propvol DVD’s en boeke. Die mediateek bied geleentheid om ‘n boek of DVD uit te neem gratis en verniet. Daar is ook Cd’s met preke, praatjies of musiek waarna jy kan luister. Vir swaksiendes is daar ook “Die Bybel” op CD. Terwyl jy na die regte item soek kan jy ook ‘n koppie Boeretroos geniet. Kom maak gerus Sondae ‘n draai. Die Mediateek is geleë aan die linkerkant, by die ingang van die Kerkgebou. Ons vriendelike “Bibliotekaresse” Heila Haasbroek sal jou daar ontvang.
Kopiereg 2023 - NHK Witfontein.