Bible study

Thursdays mornings at 9:00 it is Bible study time at Witfontein.

Over the years, a stack of books has been worked through. We as a group have gotten to know each other well by now. Love and sorrow are shared. Experiences where the Lord presses something on our hearts we share with each other. Thursdays from 9:00 to 10:00 are precious time to socialize. We thank the Lord that He brought us together as a group, to learn more from His Word. Newcomers who want to join us are very welcome.


Donderdae oggende om 9:00 is dit Bybelstudietyd by Witfontein.

Deur die jare is daar ‘n stapel boeke deur gewerk.  Ons as groep het mekaar nou al goed leer ken. Lief en leed word gedeel. Belewenisse waar die Here ons iets op die hart druk deel ons met mekaar. Donderdae van 9: 00 tot 10:00 is kosbare tyd om saam te verkeer. Ons dank die Here dat Hy ons as groep bymekaar gebring het, om meer uit Sy Woord te leer. Nuwelinge wat by ons wil aansluit is baie welkom.

Congregation camp

We hold a parish camp every year at a suitable holiday resort. It’s the ideal opportunity to relax with your faith family and forge very strong bonds of friendship in no time.


Ons hou jaarliks ‘n gemeentekamp by ‘n geskikte vakansie oord. Dis die ideale geleentheid om lekker te ontspan saam met jou geloofsfamilie en sommer in ‘n japtrap baie sterk bande van vriendskap te smee.

Ecclesiastical year and Ecclesiastical colors

Walk into our church building on Good Friday, the entrance hall is cold and hard and then the Communion Tables inside huh!!! Black tablecloths, black throw cloths, black cloth hangings around the crotch and the impact? As one member put it “Eerie” (English) Is it weird? No, on the contrary, read Luke 22:44 “It was about twelve o’clock when darkness came over the whole land…”

So did color has an impact on our mindset, our mood. Is it okay to color in? to put on the church building? Don’t let the attention be diverted from the preaching not? Why common church colors? It strengthens the ecumenical bond with us fellow believers.

Further build the correct church colors to the mood of the churchgoers. That’s why we change the colors in the church depending on the Church year.

Kerklike jaar en Kerklike kleure

Stap op Goeie Vrydag in by ons kerkgebou, die ingangsportaal is koud en hard en dan die Nagmaaltafels daarbinne huh!!! Swart tafeldoeke, swart oorgooi lappies, swart doekbehangsel om die kruis en die impak? Soos een lidmaat dit uitgedruk het “Eerie”(Engels) Is dit vreemd? Nee inteendeel, lees Lukas 22:44 “Dit was al omtrent twaalfuur toe kom daar duisternis oor die hele land…..”

So het kleur ‘n impak op ons ingesteldheid, ons stemming. Is dit dan reg om kleur in die kerkgebou aan te bring? Word die aandag dan nie van die prediking weggelei nie? Waarom algemene kerklike kleure? Dit versterk die ekumeniese band met ons mede-gelowiges.

Verder bou die korrekte kerklike kleure aan die gemoedstemming van die kerkgangers.  Daarom ruil ons die kleure in die kerk na gelang van die Kerklike jaar.

Recycling project

Why do we each have a responsibility to recycle? With our new recycling area, we want to place a new emphasis on the responsibility of each of us to look after and preserve our environment, which has been entrusted to us. Each of us should become more aware of our environment and how we can recycle. Once we get into the habit of recycling, it’s scary to realize how many things we use that are recyclable. Many times we wonder, what do I do with the things I want to recycle? Now we have a place at the church where we can bring our recycling materials. Here it is picked up and recycled. In this way we also help with job creation. We want to invite you to start even just on a small scale at home by having different containers for glass, cans, plastic containers and see how quickly your container fills up. Why? You and I are stewards. It is our responsibility to look after our world and preserve it.

Herwinning foto


Waarom het ons elkeen die verantwoordelikheid om te herwin?  Met ons nuwe herwinningsarea wil ons die nuwe klem plaas op ons elkeen se verantwoordelikheid om ons omgewing op te pas en te bewaar wat aan ons toevertrou is. Ons elkeen behoort meer bewus te raak van ons omgewing en hoe ons kan herwin. Wanneer ons eers in die gewoonte raak om te herwin, is dit skrikwekkend om te besef hoe baie dinge ons gebruik wat herwinbaar is. Baie keer wonder ons, wat maak ek met die goed wat ek wil herwin? Nou het ons plek by die kerk waarheen ons ons herwinningsmateriaal kan bring. Hier word dit opgetel en herwin. Sodoende help ons ook met werkskepping. Ons wil jou uitnooi om selfs net op klein skaal te begin by die huis deur verskillende houers te hê vir glas, blikkies, plastiese houers en sien hoe vinnig jou houer vol word. Waarom? Ek en jy is rentmeesters. Dis ons verantwoordelikheid om na ons wêreld om te sien en dit te bewaar.

The Gray Youth

Who belongs to the Gray Youth

You qualify to join the Gray Youth should if you have reached retirement age. But everyone who feels at home with the older guards are more than welcome. The Gray Youth comes every first Tuesday of every year month together. They hold a short meeting and discuss general matters of interest, after which they have a nice time together and eat. They often play well games together like for example Bingo or they get a person who something interesting part. They go out at least once a year for a delicious breakfast and visit. At the end of the year, a Christmas dinner is held at a suitable restaurant. There is also a sea holiday organized to Scotburgh which is a big highlight is

Die Gryse Jeug

Wie behoort aan die Gryse Jeug

Jy kwalifiseer om aan die Gryse Jeug te behoort as jy aftree ouderdom bereik het. Maar almal wat hulle tuis voel by die ouer garde is meer as welkom. Die Gryse Jeug kom elke eerste Dinsdag van elke maand bymekaar. Hulle hou ‘n kort vergadering en bespreek algemene sake van belang, waarna hulle lekker saam kuier en eet. Hulle speel dikwels lekker speletjies saam soos byvoorbeeld Bingo of hulle kry ‘n persoon wat iets interessant deel. Hulle gaan ten minste een keer ‘n jaar uit vir ‘n heerlike ontbyt en kuier. Aan die einde van die jaar word ‘n Kersete gehou by ‘n geskikte restaurant. Daar word ook ‘n seevakansie gereël na Scotburgh wat ‘n groot hoogtepunt is.